Religious Education
Our Intent for Religious Education
Religious Education at St Nicholas Church of England school, provides the opportunity to learn about many different faiths, as well as a detailed knowledge of Christianity. Our curriculum has been planned to reflect the Church of England Statement of Entitlement
As part of this, pupils reflect on their own beliefs, experiences and raise challenging questions of purpose and values. This allows pupils to develop a stronger awareness of the communities and enables pupils to find connections between the beliefs of others and their own.
Religious Education is taught discreetly in class once week. Knowledge and understanding of world religions are taught through creative, skills-based and thought-provoking lessons based on the Surrey and Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus. through the Understanding Christianity resource, learners acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith.
Enrichment Opportunities
Our curriculum is enhanced by exciting experiences:
- explore spirituality within the reflective space of St Albans Abbey
- attending the Easter trail at St Nicholas Church
- visiting places of worship, e.g. Methodist Church, Luton Central Mosque, Gurdwara, Our Lady of Lourdes Church
- participating in different workshops, e.g. Christian Aid, Chinese New Year, Shabatt dinner and drama.
Examples of children's work
Curriculum Outline
RE units are taught in a two year rolling cycle due to the mixed aged class structure: