Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is allocated to the school based on pupils who are eligible for free school meals or who are Looked After Children by this or another Local Authority.
At St Nicholas VA C of E Primary School, our aim is to provide every child, regardless of background, with the best possible education, underpinned by Christian values. For us, pupil’s education goes beyond the academic to include their development of cultural capital, access to super curricular activities and equality of opportunity. No child should be at a disadvantage. We understand the importance of working in partnership with parents and families to ensure pupils get the best start in life. We seek as a school community, to provide personalised learning, opportunities and targeted support to enable every child to flourish.
Whilst we have very small numbers of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding, it is important to note that many of our families are increasingly facing hardship due to the current economic climate.
Our approach focuses on ensuring quality first teaching is the starting point for enabling all pupils to succeed, but especially the most disadvantaged. As a small school, staff know all pupils exceptionally well – they know what they excel in and where they need additional support