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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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Our Intent for PSHE

To develop and support the emotional health, well-being and welfare of all pupils in our school. PSHE enables pupils to become effective learners and supports them as they move from childhood through adolescence to become independent young people and responsible citizens. We strive to develop resilient learners, who can work collaboratively as they progress through different stages of primary education. Our staff model and support empathetic relationships rested on Christian and school values.

Enrichment Opportunities

Links are made between subjects to offer a creative way to develop children's knowledge, skills and understanding through a study of interconnected topics. We promote healthy living and celebrate diversity by participating in International and Multicultural Dance workshops. Anti-bullying and Internet Safety workshops deliver important messages in a fun, engaging and interactive way. At Celtic Harmony, we want children to learn about more than just Prehistory, we want them to learn many different skills that include: teamwork, co-operation, communication, problem-solving. Our residential trips (Celtic Harmony and PGL) boost children’s self-esteem, confidence and well-being; they learn to be independent and responsible citizen. Countryside trips develop resilience ability to work together, improve children’s wellbeing and cultivate sense of belonging.  Some other activities also include:

  • STEAM construction workshops;
  • House Activities (e.g. Earth day);
  • Mindfulness sessions with a Mindfulness coach;
  • Dental care and good oral hygiene talks and workshops lead by Harpenden Dental Centre
  • Media workshops lead by students of Sir John Lawes
  • Crucial Crew - multi-agency event organised by the police and supported by the fire service.

    The event aims to raise awareness of safety issues to school children in Year 6 


Curriculum Outline

PSHE scheme of work is taught in conjunction with our Computing scheme, it also covers the government’s Education for a Connected World -2020 edition framework.


PSHE units are taught in a two-year rolling cycle due to the mixed aged class structure.

We have designed our curriculum as spiral and categorised our lessons into the five key areas below, which we return to in each year group, making pupil’s prior and future learning clear Year 6 also have a further key area: Identity.

                                            Key Areas of the PSHE Curriculum Cycle A and B

(Kapow scheme of learning

Examples of children's work

Anti-bullying project with Sir John Lawes School

Still image for this video
Children were learning about different types of bullying and presented their learning in the form of short films to raise the awareness of other learners.

Anti-bullying Project with Sir John Lawes School

Still image for this video

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
