Our Intent for Science
Our Science lessons aim to foster and develop our pupils’ curiosity in the subject, providing opportunities for enjoyable and challenging learning. Moreover, we aim to prepare our pupils for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world. We achieve this via a planned range of investigations and practical activities which encourage resilience and collaboration, equipping them to answer scientific questions about the physical, chemical and biological world around them. Our investigative activities will develop pupils’ basic practical skills, scientific vocabulary, and understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Through first-hand experiences in Science, pupils at St Nicholas Primary School will continue to deepen their respect for the natural world and all its phenomena. They will develop a sense of awe and wonder along with a sense of responsibility to care for God’s creation including the environment in which they live.
Enrichment Opportunities
We celebrate British Science week every year by hosting an afternoon of exciting activities which are hugely exciting, and foster resilience and collaboration between different age groups.
Teachers incorporate workshops and trips to provide learning in a 'real life' context. These include:
- World Earth day celebration
- Tree planting with the mayor at Rothamsted
- Hedgerow planting at Hammonds End Farm
- Field trips to Hammonds End Farm to attend workshops about animal conservation and growing crops
- A visit from Hornbeam Hedgehog Sanctuary
- Science Challenge Event at St Albans Cathedral
- Class visits to the Science Museum and Natural History Museums.
Curriculum Outline
Science units are taught in a two year rolling cycle due to the mixed aged class structure for years 1, 2 and 3. Years 4,5 and 6 are taught in individual year groups and so do not use a two year rolling cycle.
Cycle A
| Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Garnet Year 1 | Habitats and food chains Y2 | Y1 Everyday materials | Plants Y1 Y1 Seasonal changes
Topaz (Year 1 & 2) | Habitats and food chains Y2 | Y1 Everyday materials | Plants Y1 Y1 Seasonal changes
Emerald (Year 2 & 3) | Forces Y3 Uses of everyday materials | Living things and their habitats Y2 | Animals Y3 Plants Y3 |
Cycle B
| Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Garnet Year 1 |
| Animals, including humans Y1 | Plants Y2 |
Topaz (Year 1 & 2) |
| Animals, including humans Y1 | Plants Y2 |
Emerald (Year 2 & 3) | Good Health Light | Magnets | Rocks Y3 Plants Y3 |
Years 4-6
| Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Y4 | Classification of Living things and Habitats Animals including humans | Light Electricity | Earth and Space States of Matter |
Y5 | Forces Static Electricity and Magnetism | Properties of Everyday Materials and Reversible Change | Living Things (Life cycles, respiration, circulation) |
Y6 | Light Electricity | Forces Changes that form new materials | All living things Evolution and Inheritance |