Our Intent for Computing
St Nicholas Primary School we are committed to helping our pupils and staff use computing responsibly, with purpose and enjoyment, preparing them for a technology-rich future. Pupils are inspired to creatively approach activities and solve problems through curiosity and computational thinking. They are encouraged to be brave applying information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies to accomplish specific goals. Through computing lessons, we foster pupils’ ability to use varied strategies such as to work independently or cooperatively to find effective solutions, to be mindful of suggested alternative ways to solve problems and to be resilient when detecting and correcting errors in algorithms and programmes. We insist on our pupils following Christian values in their online and daily lives and using their technology with moral and ethical integrity. We develop understanding of the need to act reporting inappropriate content or conduct and cultivate safe behaviour.
Enrichment Opportunities
Links are made between subjects to offer a creative way to develop children's knowledge, skills and understanding through a study of interconnected topics. Teachers also incorporate workshops and trips which include: visits to Robothink discovery centre, participation in robotics workshops. For St Nicholas children the investments made into technology and each pupil has opportunity to work on their own laptops, iPads, crumble and micro:bits devices and software.
Examples of children's work
Curriculum Outline
Computing units are taught in a two year rolling cycle due to the mixed aged class structure.