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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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Our Intent:

Deliver the National Curriculum for Geography in a way that inspires children and in a way that builds upon learning such that the children become increasingly independent, self-directed learners who learn about the subject, not because they have to, but because they want to.

Geography lessons should help to develop learners who can work effectively, collaboratively and independently. 

Enrichment Opportunities: 

  • Local visits to Harpenden town centre 
  • Geography performance workshop
  • Visits to Rothampsted Park to collect data for fieldwork 
  • Lea Valley river trip
  • Hammonds End Farm trip 
  • Multicultural Day - a day which invites parents/ guardians into school to teach the children about their culture, including the geographics of their culture 


St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
