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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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A warm welcome to the St Nicholas Primary School PTA


As a parent, as soon as your child joins St Nicholas Primary School you automatically become a member of our Parent Teacher Association. Our PTA was founded in 1943, making it one of the longest running PTA's in the country. We're a lively and dedicated group of volunteers. 


Why does the school have a PTA? 

The main function of our PTA is to support the school by raising as much money as we can to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children, especially where funding from the Local Education Authority is more limited. We also provide 'little extras' that make school memorable, such as Christmas book gifts, a Spring in-school pantomime and farm visits. We raise around £15,000 each year and this is all down to the hard work and fantastic support of all the parents in the school.  


It’s not just about fundraising though; it’s important to us to bring the communities of school and home closer together and we foster a great community spirit among all associated with the school. We’re also here for the simple reason that we want to get together socially, meet new people and have fun! 


Our PTA 

The PTA is run by a committee who are all volunteers and we are so grateful to all parents who volunteer their time to help support the PTA. 


To help all families stay in touch and keep on top of things, each class has at least one class rep and they liaise between the teaching staff for that class, the parent/carer body and the PTA. They send a weekly email letting you know everything that’s going on the following week and they will also organise class socials so the parents can meet up socially.  


We also have a Facebook page and a PTA website to help keep families up to speed with what is going on. Check us out here:  


Events and fundraising 

We run lots of different events for the children and adults too. Our family Christmas Fair is a major highlight of the year for the children and it also brings many members of the wider Harpenden community into our school to share in the festivities. Our annual Summer Ball is always a must-have ticket for the parents and carers to let loose and have fun! We also run after-school activities, such as pottery painting, Chinese New Year celebrations, a hot chocolate stall in winter and ice-pops in summer, as well as World Book Day events, Film Nights, Discos, and more…  


It's so rewarding to see the children enjoy new resources and equipment provided by the PTA. We have recently helped purchase graded reading books, additional science and maths materials and lots of new technology including coding and computing resources, iPads and cases and smart boards. It is important to note that IT equipment isn’t usually supported by Local Education Authority funding for schools, so our fundraising is important to help keep the children’s educational materials up-to-date and current to maximise their learning for the current age. 


As you can see, parents and carers giving their time for the children and each other can be just as rewarding as raising money, so do come along, get involved, have fun … and support our fantastic  school! 


Contact the PTA at our website:  

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
