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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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St Nicholas Primary School offers an excellent educational experience for your child.  We hope you will consider applying for a place.  If you wish to apply here are some steps in the process.


To begin to determine if we are the right place for your child approaching school age, we warmly invite you to view the virtual tour of St. Nicholas led by Mrs. Crouch, our Headteacher. 

You are most welcome to attend one of the Open Days on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 9:30am, Saturday 9th November 2024 at 10:00am, Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 9:30am and Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 9:30am.  Please use the link below to book a place. 


Open Day Booking Form


 (Click for the school's Contact Details). 


Reasons to choose St. Nicholas School:

  • St. Nicholas is a caring, nurturing school
  • It delivers excellent educational results
  • The school creates a happy environment for your child to thrive

Our achievements:

  • St. Nicholas is one of the top ten primary schools in Hertfordshire.
  • In 2022, The Sunday Times ranked the school 43rd best primary school in the England out of 20, 925.
  • Our pupils consistently achieve excellent academic results in Maths, Reading and Writing. 
  • We are an inclusive school that welcomes families of all faiths and no faith.
  • Confirmed as an Outstanding school as outlined in the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report  (November 2017).
  • Good Ofsted inspection (March 2022) coupled with outstanding attendance figures
  • All our pupils have the opportunity to lead and get involved in school life.
  • Our values led Christian ethos is coupled with four key principles - kindness, hope, responsibility and perseverance.
  • St. Nicholas has a strong sporting track record, winning cups in football, netball and cross country.
  • We have a highly experienced and committed teaching staff delivering outstanding and engaging learning across the school curriculum.
  • Teaching is enriched with a wide range of school trips and workshops.
  • We enjoy sporting success. In the District Sports held in Summer 2022, St Nicholas proudly won The Football League Cup and The Netball Rally and League Cups.
  • We also enjoy regular visits into school from authors, artists, design and technology based companies and specialist sports coaches.


Our School Life:

  • We work closely with the Parish of Harpenden and St. Nicholas church.
  • We have an excellent Breakfast club (7.30am start) and  After school club provision (3.15pm until 6.00pm) provided by The Club which is popular among parents and carers.
  • Our active parent body organises a variety of events, e.g. the School Ball, the Christmas Fair, a Pupil Disco, Film Night and a parent Quiz Night.


Applying for a school place

Parents can apply for a place for your child to start in September in the Reception Class using the admissions process operated by Herts County Council. You can apply for a place at any other time by applying directly to the School through the In-Year Application process.



When considering applications, the Governors of the School apply the Admissions Policy for the relevant academic year. The Admissions Policy is available on this page. If required, a paper copy can be obtained from the School office. There is an appeal process operated by Herts County Council if your child is not offered a place at the School.


If there are fewer applications than places available at the School then all applicants will be admitted. If there are more applications than places then the Admissions Criteria will apply. There are three Criteria, which will apply in the following order of priority:

Rule 1: Children looked after

Rule 2: Siblings

Rule 3: All other children, wherever they live, with priority given to those who live the shortest distance from the School. The table below identifies the admission rule being applied and how far away the child lives from the school.


Rule 3




Furthest Distance of Admission from school





The Admissions Policy makes it clear that St Nicholas School is here to serve the local community, is open to children of any faith or no faith, has a Christian character and promotes Christian values. Parents/carers are not required to complete a Supplementary Information Form when applying for a place at the School.


In Year Admissions

You can apply for a place in Reception after the normal admissions round by making an application directly to the School using the form below. Similarly you can apply at any time for a place in another Year by submitting an application:

In Year Application Form

The School will review In Year Applications in accordance with this procedure:

If you have any questions regarding admissions at St Nicholas School then please contact the School Office on 01582 623620 or email and we will be glad to help.

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
