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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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School Life

The school day

Morning    8:55am to 11:50am (Garnet and Topaz Classes) or

                    8:55am to 12 noon (Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond Classes)


Afternoon  1:00pm – 3:15pm


The school's opening time is 8.40am and closing time is 3.15pm. The total opening hours are 34 hours and 10 minutes.

Lunch and snacks

School lunches are cooked and eaten in the Church Hall.  Children can choose between the meat, vegetarian, baked potato with optional fillings, and packed lunch options daily.  Currently, the infant children (Reception to Year 2) are entitled to free school meals as it is funded by the Government. 


Children may bring a packed lunch if preferred (no nuts please). Lunch money is payable half termly in advance. Children whose parents are in receipt of income support are entitled to free school meals. Further details are available from the School Secretary if required and are always kept confidential.


A piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is offered free of charge at break-time to children in Garnet, Topaz and Emerald Classes in accordance with the Government’s Free Fruit and Vegetable for Schools Scheme.  Children in Sapphire and Diamond Classes have the option to have a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable at break-time for a small charge per term.


School milk is currently available for all children in for a small fee. Details are available from the School Secretary.

School council

The school has a thriving School Council with two representatives from each class, elected biannually. The Council is led by the Year 6 representatives and supported by the Leadership Team and meets regularly to discuss ways in which the school can be improved, taking suggestions from the other children as well as bringing their own ideas. Amongst numerous ventures the School Council has organised the purchase of a range of playground games, an annual talent show and a tea party for parent helpers. As part of their work, the School Council also consider environmental issues such as litter and waste, healthy eating and biodiversity. The Year 6 representatives have the opportunity to present a short report on their time in office to the full Governing Body.

The House System

Our four school houses are St George's, St Andrews, St David's and St Patrick's, with every child being assigned their House on joining the school. Throughout the year pupils can gain points for their House through taking part in various activities including our School Sports Day and our annual Talent Show.


At St. Nicholas, our goal is to enable children to collaborate and foster a caring community; to this end several ambassador roles are available to all Year 6 pupils.

There are several roles which Year 6 children can fulfil as a school Ambassador.

  1. Sports – set up competitions once a term during lunch times and plan sports day activities.
  2. Art – set up an art activity for children to complete in their houses once a term.
  3. Performing arts - create a drama/singing workshop for six sessions and lead the talent show.
  4. News reporters – write contributions for the ebulletin each half term.
  5. Collective worship team – lead collective worship sessions each half term.
  6. Sustainability – complete a project to support the environment.
  7. Reading – read to the younger children and act as library monitors.
  8. Wellbeing – act as monitors to help children find a friend.
  9. School representatives – speak to prospective parents about life at St Nicholas on Open Days.


School clubs

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities both at lunch time and before and after school. Some Clubs start from Reception with Sports Clubs generally starting from Year 3. A small charge is made for where Clubs are run by external professionals.  Please find our current list of clubs and further information on our Extra-Curricular website page.

Outings and residential trips

During the year each class will make at least one visit to a place of interest.  This will be linked to the topic being studied and is designed to enhance the children’s learning. Local outings are also planned as appropriate. Children in Year 6 have the opportunity to go on a residential trip for a week and Year 5 pupils participate in an overnight trip.


St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
