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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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Covid Premium Strategy

Our strategy for rebuilding the St Nicholas learning community has been influenced by the Recovery Curriculum outlined by Professor Barry Carpenter.   The curriculum is built on the 5 Levers, as a systematic approach to support the learning of every child:

  • Lever 1 - Relationships
  • Lever 2 - Community
  • Lever 3 - Transparent Curriculum
  • Lever 4 - Metacognition
  • Lever 5 - Space


Personal wellbeing and social integration formed the basis for first phase of rebuilding the school community.  Provision for classes and individuals has been tailored to rebuild relationships and community.


Our approach to rebuild learning focussed on identifying strengths and next steps, making learning explicit and developing learners’ confidence in their abilities.  Pupils have been assessed on their return to school and our provision and education offer have been adjusted accordingly.  Subsequently, targeted interventions have been planned and implemented with the main focus on developing maths and literary skills.


Our strategy includes:

  • An oral language intervention programme for reception aged children
  • Emotional support for pupils
  • Mindfulness resources
  • Resources for disadvantaged pupils accessing remote education
  • Investment in increased technology
  • Professional CPD for staff in implementing metacognition
  • Targeted support for small groups in maths, phonics and English
  • Provide opportunities to address social and emotional needs for target pupils


St Nicholas Primary School received £11 840 in Coronavirus (Covid-19) catch-up premium.  The impact of the strategy will be continuously reviewed and adapted where needed.

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
