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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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Behaviour and Discipline

Behaviour at the school is of a very high standard. At the heart of our policy is the aim of encouraging all pupils to take and accept responsibility for themselves, to develop high standards of self-discipline, social awareness and consideration for others. Parents and children are asked to read, sign and adhere to our Home/School Agreement. This is available on our policies page.


The children are encouraged to look after each other. Each Reception child has a Buddy from Year 6 who cares for them at lunchtimes and playtimes. All classes have responsibilities around the school and children from the oldest classes sort out minor disputes in the playground through a Peer Mediation scheme.  Our Playground Leaders organise games and activities throughout break times to ensure that all of our pupils are included and have fun.


The school encourages good behaviour through a number of reward systems. Children may receive a Headteacher’s Award, a Star of the Week Award or a Good Citizen Award.

Please read our behaviour and discipline policy on our policies page, or click the link below.

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
