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St Nicholas CE VA Primary School

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Our Christian Ethos

As a Church of England school, we encourage our pupils to develop an understanding of the message and meaning of Christianity.  We seek to live out Christian values in every aspect of the life of the school and for the benefit and development of each child.


Our Christian ethos is particularly expressed and enhanced in several key ways:


  • Through Collective Worship

The aim of Collective Worship at St Nicholas School is to introduce pupils to worship in a manner appropriate to their age, aptitude and family background and to draw upon the riches of the Anglican and other Christian traditions.


The purpose of Collective Worship in our school is not to evangelise, but through Christian based worship to develop religious values that will equip children to thrive as individuals and as good citizens.  The main focus is on the Christian faith but other world religious traditions are recognised and accepted. During Collective Worship, we sing hymns together, listen to music and give the children time to reflect and pray. We encourage positive moral and social attitudes and enable the children to develop a sense of wonder and an appreciation of the aesthetic and spiritual aspects of life.


We believe Collective Worship should:


• be daily for all children;

• be truly worship;

• involve the children regularly;

• be enjoyable;

• be suitable for all abilities;

• be age appropriate.


  • Through Religious Education

The teaching of Religious Education is extremely important. RE is taught according to Hertfordshire County Council’s agreed syllabus and Diocese guidelines.  Through RE children will gain a good awareness of the Christian faith and other world religions.  All the children are encouraged to learn and think about  the importance of rules and values in our own lives.


At St Nicholas School all children attend assembly and take part in RE lessons. We do not expect a parent choosing this school for their child to withdraw them from Collective Worship or RE. However, we recognise the right of any parent to do so under the 1988 Education Reform Act.


  • Through Links to St Nicholas Church, Harpenden

St Nicholas is a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School. That means we benefit from support from the Educational Officers of the St Albans Diocese and we enjoy close links with the Parish of St Nicholas. These links are maintained through:


• weekly church services;

• celebrations of major Christian festivals for the whole school in church;

• clergy visiting the school regularly;

• a majority of church appointed Governors on the school’s Governing Body.


These links bring many benefits to the school:


• We are able to draw upon the leadership and expertise of the clergy.

• We are able to use the church regularly as a resource for our learning.

• We are able to relate our work and behaviour at school to our Christian faith.


Our children work and play in an environment where all members of the school feel comfortable with the ethos of Christianity.


Our School Prayer


Dear God,

Help us be kind and take responsibility for our actions.

Help us persevere in school and at home.

Help us strengthen our beliefs and achieve our goals.

Keep hope in our hearts and love in our lives.


St Nicholas CE Primary School, Church Green
Harpenden, AL5 2TP
